Austin S. Paladeau
OFFICE: Downtown

- 2014 Thomson Rivers University, JD
- 2009 University of Calgary, BA
- 2015 Alberta
Personal Injury
Lead counsel on a multi-week personal injury motor vehicle accident claim. The plaintiff, a 24-year-old at the time of his accident, was involved in a highway collision with a logging truck. He suffered life-altering physical and psychiatric injuries. He was awarded $834,631 in damages plus costs and disbursements, which was subsequently altered on appeal.
Hollingshead v O’Reilly, 2020 ABQB 538
Lead counsel on a summary trial on damages arising from a battery, assault, and unlawful confinement perpetrated against a 23-year-old woman. Judgment was awarded to the plaintiff in the amount of $493,650 plus costs, pre-judgment interest, and disbursements. Alberta Health Services was also awarded damages for its provision of health care services.
Second counsel on a single issue trial over the applicability of the “inevitable accident” doctrine. The plaintiff was successful in resisting the defence and the defendant was found liable to Cullen.
Jones v Stepanenko, 2016 ABQB 295
Second counsel on a multi-week personal injury motor vehicle accident claim. The plaintiff, a 19-year-old nursing student at the time of her accident, succeeded in establishing causation and resisting a “Minor Injury” defence, resulting in a judgment of $282,683 plus costs, pre-judgment interest, and disbursements.
Villezcas v Mann et al, 2024 ABKB 752
Lead counsel on a personal injury accident claim. The plaintiff was riding his bicycle when he struck by a motor vehicle. The plaintiff suffered several injuries, most of which he made a good recovery from. The Plaintiff was awarded damages pursuant to the Minor Injury Regulation and common law, resulting in a judgment of $21,459.85 plus pre-judgment interest, costs, and disbursements.
Catala v Intact Insurance Company, 2021 ABQB 655
Lead counsel on an application for an advance payment pursuant to the Fair Practices Regulation and Insurance Act. Catala sought an advance payment to permit her to access necessary dental work prior to a trial of her tort action. The application was successful and the applicant was awarded a $10,000 advance payment plus her court costs.
Health Law
Lead counsel representing MV, who was approved for medical assistance in dying in 2023. On the eve of her accessing MAiD, MV’s father obtained an emergency injunction preventing Alberta Health Services and MV from proceeding with the MAiD procedure. MV applied to set aside the emergency injunction on the basis of justiciability, standing, medical autonomy and on the merits of the injunction. MV was successful and the emergency injunction was set aside.
Procedural Decisions
Co-counsel on a dispute over costs arising from an action alleging historic sexual abuse of minors in foster care. The Court concluded that minors represented by litigation representatives are not personally liable for costs while under the age of 18, and that costs should be borne jointly and severally by all plaintiffs after reaching the age of majority.
Kennedy v Swientach, 2022 ABCA 161
Lead appellate counsel for Swientach, who successfully resisted the introduction of his medical records and records created during his participation in the Alternative Measures Program.
Lead counsel for Dunn, who successfully resisted an in-trial application brought by the defendant to block his treating psychologist testifying as a fact witness.
Second counsel for Dunn, who successfully obtained double costs against the defendant after obtaining judgment in excess of his Formal Offer to Settle.
Estate Litigation
O'Reilly v O'Reilly, 2025 ABKB 103
Co-counsel on a multi-issue special application to determine entitlement and priority to the property of an estate. The application included the determination of entitlement to a family maintenance and support Order under the Wills and Succession Act, the priority of estate creditors and residual beneficiaries, and the entitlement to a property division Order under the Matrimonial/Family Property Act in the context of a spouse/widow seeking a division of property after filing for divorce while lacking capacity.
Cybersecurity and COVID-19: Is your Data Secure?
Precedent-Setting Personal Injury Judgment Won
Revisiting the “Why” of Personal Injury
Alberta Does Not Condone Litigation Delay
Jones v. Stepanenko
- Memberships
- Law Society of Alberta
- Canadian Bar Association
- Synaptic Spinal Cord Injury & Neuro Rehabilitation Centre
- Board of Directors
- Community
- Classic Charity Events Ltd.
- Former chairman and CEO
- Elizabeth Fry Society
- Former volunteer
- Classic Charity Events Ltd.